Other projects that use FAI or are build on top of FAI

  • https://codeberg.org/berzdev/ansible-fai is a set of ansible roles for a multi location environment.
  • Debian Local Area Network is a project, that provides a FAI configuration for setting up a local network with centralized user and machine management.
  • DebianEdu is using FAI for installing the clients
  • Multi-boot/distro btrfs provisioning
  • LF Energy SEAPATH is an open source software hypervisor designed for IEC61850 Digital Substation Automation Systems https://github.com/seapath
  • WebFAI is a tool for installing computers back to their delivery environment. It supports openSUSE, Ubuntu and their Tuxedo_OS.
  • FAI-Administration-Tool is a web based application (a PHP, JavaScript) used to create client configurations for boot over PXE and afterwards installation with FAI. (screenshots)
  • A Web-frontend to fai-monitor
  • Grml is a bootable live system (Live-CD), which builds several ISO images using FAI.
  • OpenQrm has a FAI plugin for cloud deployments
  • Qlustar is a HPC Linux OS based on Ubuntu using FAI as installer for the master node
  • GOsa a PHP web framework for managing accounts and systems in LDAP databases. This project is stalled.
  • FusionDirectory a fork of GOsa which is actively maintained.


Other FAI documentation


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Tue, 29 Oct 2019 13:39:44 +0100