Other projects that use FAI or are build on top of FAI
- https://codeberg.org/berzdev/ansible-fai is a set of ansible roles for a multi location environment.
- Debian Local Area Network is a project, that provides a FAI configuration for setting up a local network with centralized user and machine management.
- DebianEdu is using FAI for installing the clients
- Multi-boot/distro btrfs provisioning
- LF Energy SEAPATH is an open source software hypervisor designed for IEC61850 Digital Substation Automation Systems https://github.com/seapath
- WebFAI is a tool for installing computers back to their delivery environment. It supports openSUSE, Ubuntu and their Tuxedo_OS.
- FAI-Administration-Tool is a web based application (a PHP, JavaScript) used to create client configurations for boot over PXE and afterwards installation with FAI. (screenshots)
- A Web-frontend to fai-monitor
- Grml is a bootable live system (Live-CD), which builds several ISO images using FAI.
- OpenQrm has a FAI plugin for cloud deployments
- Qlustar is a HPC Linux OS based on Ubuntu using FAI as installer for the master node
- GOsa a PHP web framework for managing accounts and systems in LDAP databases. This project is stalled.
- FusionDirectory a fork of GOsa which is actively maintained.
Other FAI documentation
- List of important variables inside FAI
- Log files of successfully installed computers
- Talks of Thomas, the main author
- A visual overview of how all the pieces of an FAI installation fit together.
- FAI tutorial for a Bewoulf-type cluster
- BLOG about Debian EDU and FAI (2019).
- A step-by-step guide a bootable Linux installer with customizations on a USB Flash Drive (Nov 2020)
- TUXEDO Computers have some very brilliant FAI config space for their WebFAI. One for notebooks one for PCs.
- LiHAS Linux Betriebssysteminstallationen mit FAI
- SverigeLinux, a swedish installation using FAI, video
- Bare Metal Provisioning of Linux (Proxmox) using FAI, wiki entry (2015)
- Description of a configuration with extended PXE menu for Suse, RHEL. Seems to be an older article, since they use a 2.6 kernel.
- Practical description for FAI 4.2 (25 pages, 2014)
- Building a Eucalyptus Cloud Automatically with Fully Automatic Installation paper published in IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE), 2012
- Research article by Frank Doelitzscher et. al. appeared in Computing, January 2011, Volume 91, Issue 1: Private Cloud for Collaboration and e-Learning Services: from IaaS to SaaS
- Detailed description (4/2011)
- Blog entries about FAI
- DC2 blog with screenshots
- DC2 (DataCenter Deployment Control) is a GUI for FAI. (announcement)
- Longer article about FAI (5/2010).
- An interview with Thomas Lange, the main author of FAI (3/2010).
- A Blog entry describing a certain FAI usage (2/2010).
- An article in the Linux Magazin (3/2009).
- Henning Sprang gave a talk about FAI at OSDC (slides, 4/2009).
- Henning Sprang gave a talk about FAI at RMLL (Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre = Libre Software Meeting) in France (slides, 7/2008).
- A blog entry on FAI and Ubuntu hardy (6/2008).
- The Limux project of the city of Munich is using the combination of GOsa and FAI for their deployment. Article in German. Limux project page (german). Talk about Limux and FAI (2007). Article (english).
- Joachim Breitner wrote a technical documentation about his work at the SOS Hermann Gmeiner International College in Tema, Ghana. It contains a chapter about FAI (12/2006).
- Mass Debian Desktop Administration (2005).
- FAI Class Server (2005)
- Arcady Genkin gave a talk on Automated Linux Management Infrastructure (2005).
- Federico Sevilla III gave a talk at LinuxWorld Philippines Conference 2005 about Standardizing & Automating Enterprise Deployment of Debian GNU/Linux which he does using FAI.
- Debian Administration article (2005)
- A nice documentation how to use RAID and mdadm with FAI. (setup-storage can do it in a much more comfortable way nowadays)
- Automatic Installers Review, CUC 2004, 6th CARNet Users Conference, Zagreb, HR
- Linux Planet tutorial about Rolling Out Unattended Debian Installations written by Carla Schroder Part 1 Part 2 (12/2004).
- Steam Engine Cluster Administrator's Guide (2003-2005)
- DESY Hamburg is using FAI for its DOOCS project. A paper for a poster was presented on the 4th International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls in 2002.
- DOOCS, a Distributed Object Oriented Control System uses FAI for installation. Slides from a tutorial.
- Working Centre Linux Project is using FAI as installer. Some documentation concerning FAI. This project seems to be inactive since end of 2004.
- Building a Beowulf cluster (2001) (a href="https://www.sintef.no/globalassets/project/evitameeting/2001/building_foils.pdf ">slides).
- FAI for Solaris is an older version of FAI that supports Solaris. We have installed more than 20 different SPARC machines with Solaris 9 using FAI. This code is no longer maintained.
- FAI on Linux for SUN SPARC.
- First technical report about FAI (1999).
FAI documentation in German
- Some documentation about FAI server setup, and crfeating and booting from CD USB stick. (2020)
- Linux Magazin Article FAI.me baut Betriebssystem-Images nach Bedarf (2019, german)
- Linux Magazin Article FAI installiert Betriebssysteme schnell und einfach (2019, german)
- Howto including network server setup. (2014)
- FAI with Ubuntu (Sep 2014)
- Several blog entries
- Debian auf SPARC mit FAI. Ein detailliertes HOWTO.
- Talk at LUG Erding (3/2011)
- A Ubuntu description (2010)
- A detailed article about the 10th anniversary of the project. Also includes a desription how FAI works.
- A mail about the 10th anniversary of the project.
- Henning Sprang gave a talk about FAI at the Newthinking Store Berlin (slides, 2/2009).
- Automatisches System-Deployment mit FAI, an article in the Linux Magazin (1/2009).
- An article in the Linux Magazin (10/2008).
- Daniel Taschik gave a talk on how the Hasso Plattner Institute is using FAI for cluster installations (slides).
- A chapter on FAI in the Debian Anwender Handbuch.
- An interview (video) in German with Thomas (1/2008). Same video at Google
- German description by the Linux user group Hamburg.
- Documentation about a project with FAI: Installation eines Linux-Clients mittels FAI-Server (3/2007).
- A cluster with 64 dual CPU Opteron nodes was installed using FAI at the Geophysics section of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, Germany. Report (6/2006).
- A documentation about FAI 2.9 and 3.3 from TU Graz.
- Henning Sprang gave a talk (slides) about how to install and monitor XEN machines (12/2006).
- Thomas Lange gave an interview for RadioTux.de (2006).
- Software Projekt Dokumentation Linux Lab, Konzeption und Implementierung eines vollwertigen Arbeitsbereiches für Studenten auf Basis von Open Source Software, Hochschule Reutlingen (2006)
- A short blog entry and a diagram about FAI.
- The project COSPA - Consortium for Open Source in the Public Administration has some documents in English and German which also cover FAI:
- Articles about the Limux project and FAI: PRO Linux article, Heise article, DWN article.
- A short article in the German computer magazine called it-administrator (9/2004).
- An interview with Thomas Lange (8/2004).
- An article about the installation of a Beowulf Cluster used for physical chemistry research.
- An article about the use of FAI at the university of Augsburg.
- A presentation about system-management and deployment using FAI. What is FAI, how does it work, what is possible, how does the company use FAI.
FAI documentation in other languages
- Spanish, español
- A documentation of three FAI installations (Despliegue desatendido de GNU/Linux, Linux unattended deployment) (2009).
- French, français
- https://wiki.evolix.org/HowtoFAI
- French translation of the FAI guide html version plain ASCII and pdf for FAI 5.3 (2017).
- Installation d'un serveur FAI 2010 (PDF)
- Short documentation about FAI and etch.
- Le rapport de projet: Etude du système FAI (en français, 2004/2005).
- Swedish
- Estonian
- Czech
- There is an article in Czech about FAI including an example configuration (2004).
- Portuguese
- A documentation on FAI in Portuguese (doc format, 2006).
- Romanian, Rumanian
- The Talk about FAI at the Romanian RLUG meeting, December 2010.